Why you Need a Handmade Business Coach

handmade business coach

A few years ago, I remember sitting crosslegged on my bed and staring blankly at my laptop.

I was about to lose it...I had finally hit my limit.

There I was, a medium successful entrepreneur who had already accomplished so much...

Teaching in person classes 4-6x a week.

Hosting 40 person corporate events (with no help) at the biggest tech companies.

Filling custom fabric orders for high end designers.

I was so grateful for all of it, especially since I had FINALLY been able to quit my day job (goals!).

...yet I was absolutely freaking miserable!

I was working so hard, but I was tied to my studio.

My day to day wasn't creative anymore, and although I was working for myself, I still had no time for my own personal creative projects.

At the time, I had decided that the solution to that was to build an online course to replace my in person classes because that would give me more financial and location freedom, plus I wouldn't have to be in my studio constantly.

So I had spent months building it, but now what? I didn't know how to get people to find it on my website, let alone buy it!

I was lost. Frustrated. Terrified of making the wrong move and wasting more precious time.

I had spent 7 years building my handmade business all on my own, and I had gotten farther than most people could using a DIY approach.

But I couldn't do it any longer. I needed help.

And that was the moment when I made the decision to invest in my first business coach.

When it comes to starting and running a creative endeavor, there is no substitute for getting experienced eyes on your handmade business.

Working with a handmade business coach who has been there, done that, and come out on the other side will help you make decisions easier, give you confidence and clarity, and help you hit your goals much faster than if you had tried to figure it all out on your own.

It also holds you accountable to someone. This alone will make a drastic difference in whether you fail or succeed.

The help you need for your unique goals could take a few different forms depending on your situation. Here are some ideas to get you thinking of what might be right for you:

1. The Casual Mentor (as I previously spoke about with my friend Jesse, click here to watch the replay if you missed it!)

This is usually a free arrangement with someone you know personally with a business. You can bounce ideas, get basic advice, or get a second opinion from this person.

You could also reach out to an artist or someone you don't know for mentorship. This could be free, for a trade, or for a low fee.

They may be willing to help you because they want to get into coaching later and want to get their feet wet, or they could just really love helping new entrepreneurs. Not that coaches don't love that too ;).

2. The Specialist

A few years back, I was working on something very niche with my fabric line, and since there were very few people doing what I was trying to do, I had no one in my usual circle that I could ask for help.

Fortunately, I got smart and took a chance. I did some research and found one woman in another state who was doing exactly what I wanted to do.

I reached out, and she was happy to advise me, free of charge. It also turned out that she was still having a hard time with her process, so we worked through some ideas together as well.

This is a great example of how you can get help with a specific obstacle by reaching out to a person for the specialized help that you need. This works well when you're already fairly advanced, but you just need some quick advice to keep growing.

3. The Complete Package (for the serious entrepreneur...or the seriously frustrated entrepreneur!)

This is a great option for creatives who are done messing around trying to do things on their own, and are ready to just do the damn thang…aka hire a handmade business coach.

If you:

- are just getting started, but you're completely overwhelmed with how to get your work discovered and sold $$$

- have already found some success, but have yet to create a consistent income

- have tried all the free downloads and strategies, pieced them together, and created a sort of "Frankenstein" style business...that's not really working -

Then this one is for you.

If you need personal help with the foundation of your handmade business and want an experienced guide to help dig into the real guts of it, someone to give you that push and accountability that you so desperately need, and to help you through the many (inevitable) mental road blocks along the way, then you're ready to hire a handmade business coach.

When you're working one on one with a handmade expert, you'll be getting a personalized step-by-step plan that is unique to you, your strengths, and your personality.

And that, my dear, is not something that you can download for free off the internet.

The great part about all of this is that once you have this plan set up, you can move much more quickly than before. You'll hit your goals sooner, and avoid big mistakes that could have cost you time and money.

So, in conclusion, don't let frustration or overwhelm stop you from hitting your goals!

No matter what your circumstances are, there's always someone out there to help you.

Now go get after it. :)


P.S. If you fall into the third category and you're ready to move forward with confidence, clarity, and with someone who's already done it, click here to schedule a free, NO pressure Creative Clarity Call with me to find out what type of plan we could set up together so that you can hit your goals more quickly.

P.P.S. Not sure if you're ready for a coach? Message me here and I'll give you some feedback on your specific situation!